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Rapunzel Costume Tutorial

Nikki Blackwell

Let's go back to one of my older videos; Rapunzel! In today's tutorial I'll show you how to make your own Rapunzel cosplay inspired by the Disney movie Tangled!

If I haven't made it obvious enough she is my absolute favorite princess! This is my third rendition of this dress and I am on to my fourth and fifth edition as of fall 2019. The fifth rendition being Paladin Rapunzel (armored Rapunzel) which you can find patterns and tutorials for here!

As for this build, the materials include:


-1 yd twill

-1 yd lavender embroidered cotton

- 4 yds pink piping

-1 yd lavender taffeta

-1 spool pink satin ribbon or 1 yd pink satin/taffeta

-1 yd lace


-3 yds pink cotton jersey

-2 yds lace


-6 yds lavender taffeta

-1 yd pink taffeta

-1 yd grosgrain ribbon

- assorted appliques

Other notions:

-spiral and flat steel boning

-boning tips

-2 part grommets

-pink satin ribbon (1 spool)



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